Friday, January 29, 2010

how to eat healthy out of the house

Well my diet has been going well. My cravings haven't taken over my mind just yet. As you have read in my other blogs my daily routine is kind of boring.. yogurt, fruit, school, salad, gym, grilled chicken. Since the weekend it now approaching us it is difficult to stay home and cook every day, therefore you go to eat out with your friends, family, significant other. It is alot easier to eat out and eat healthy than you think. The hardest part is telling your self not to order those greasy french fries or that fried fattening chicken dinner. It is all about self control. When Im out and I want to eat bad, i think of my vacation to Las Vegas in June, and my goal of getting off those holiday pounds. First step is mind over matter. Second step to remember is do not starve yourself, A. you will gain more weight that way, and B. you will break down and eat everything and anything around you when you get to that point of starving. It is important to eat alot of little things through out your whole day. Train your stomach to not over eat, it's all about portions. Take Applebees for example, that place is crawling with trans fat and calories up the Wa-zoo! Check out the weight watchers menu they offer or the new under 500 calorie meals. They are actually satisfying enough and will fill you. The days I don't go to school (tuesdays and thursdays) I work at a Cafe. This Cafe happens to be a health food restaurant. While I am at work I normally eat summer rolls, they have rice paper, mixed greens, and option of grilled chicken, shrimp, tuna, or eggplant. They are filling and tasty. There is healthy food on every menu, you just have to be a pain in the butt customer and ask for meal alterations. Another example, I went out to a nice italian restaurant with my friends last weekend. I ordered grilled salmon, no sauce (the sauce is where all the calories are at.. BEWARE!) and steamed veggies, with water and lemon. That may sound boring but salmon is full of good carbs and omega. It is important to get some fish incorporated into your diet such as grilled tuna or salmon. If you don't like fish health food stores have omega vitamins. I continue to replace my normal diet soda with water or natural green tea. Any soda will leave you feeling bloated and uncomfortable. Increase green tea consumption for it helps with digestion, your metabolism and has a little caffeine to replace coffee. Continue to work out when you can, it makes you feel better about your self and you will actually feel improvement. Next blog I will talk about how to work out properly to burn fat and tone. I am currently down 4 pounds since I started my blog!

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